3.50 Acolyte Info

Started by Daniel Spain, Oct 20, 2024, 07:00 PM

Acolytes are fairly adept at physical combat, and they may cast an assortment
of beneficial support spells, and while they can wear almost any armor in the
game they are restricted to only bludgeoning weapons.

They start with the following...

    Vitality 24

They gain the following skills... 

     1 Recall back to the last temple you visited
     5 Pray to recover all lost mana
    10 Bless your weapon to deal increased damage to enemies
    20 Place a resurrection ward on someone which will revive them upon death
    P1 Single target healing spells on others heal you for half the amount
    P2 Weapon kills on enemies release a healing rain for the next 15 seconds
    P3 Area-effect healing spells will always heal you for double the amount
    P4 Can equip relic weapons which level up and gain bonuses
Oct 20, 2024, 07:00 PM